i'm famous

Well... not really, but I certainly felt special the other day when I saw this. {ok, you do have to scroll down a bunch till you see my name or you can just search my flickr name, MeganL, when you're on the page}
I'm a regular reader of the Pioneer Woman. She posts great recipes {with pretty pictures}, funny stories about her and her family, and just general enjoyable reading. I'd followed along when she's been posting photography assignments. But, I never really had anything to share. Well, that was until she posted the latest assignment - Dogs. Now I immediately knew what I wanted to share. It was the perfect picture to submit to the assignment. Rocky has such a sweet, pitiful expression. I thought, just maybe the PW would pick it for one of the pictures she show cases on her blog during the assignment. I thought just maybe - but I was hopeful. And so when I saw she had posted the first group of pictures that stood out to her I quickly scrolled down the page. The pictures were great! And then... more scrolling... and scrolling... to a picture I recognized - it was mine!
So, I know I promised pictures of the flea market loot and new place... but those will just have to wait a little longer. We move on the 14th and then the flea market loot will be unpacked and I'll be able to get pictures of the place then too. Up next will be pictures of the pillow I made last night for my swap partner.
It's a cute dog you've got there. :)