a little bit of :: this week

This week ...
:: we stayed up "late" since Lukas had school and didn't need to wake up as early.
:: I cooked just enough Flay beef for one night and that was good.
:: we savored Mexican Ice Cream pops. I'm lucky Lukas doesn't care for the coconut ones.
:: I gifted this little dress which was well received - yay!
:: I had lunch with good friends. It's the best way to break up a Friday-workday.
:: Lukas photographed the Bay Bridge fading into fog in the early morning.
:: we endured the heat for an awesomely fun wedding.
:: we caught an open house and ran the numbers.
:: we laughed at comedians in cars getting coffee and drunk history {the best is 'The Night Before Chirstmas'}
Hey that's my head!!! Great to see you Megan and glad to hear everything is going well with ya! Hope to not let another 7 years go by before I see you again!