Pretty Pincushion for me!

I got this lovely sea turtle pincushion today from my pincushion swap partner. The details are amazing and she did a beautiful job with the embroidery. I've got her package all set to ship out, but because it's still here I'll wait to post pictures for the pincushions I've made for her until she gets it... just in case she happens to read my blog. A long shot, but good to be on the safe side.

School starts tomorrow with the lab I am teaching bright and early. Hopefully things go without a hitch and all my students are super cool and excited about microbio like me. I'm sure I'll still be the biggest micro dork in the room, but I can't wait to get started teaching this lab. It should be loads of fun and challenging too. I've never taught a lab class so wish me luck! Now off to prepare for my first day of school.


  1. Wow you are so much more talented than I will ever be!!!! How do you even know about these swaps? I always knew you would go far.


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