My Mom...

is my inspiration, my advice-giver, my friend. It's been an amazing thing for me to become more and more aware of how amazing the role my mom has played in my life as I am getting older. When I was younger I didn't fully understand how each mother really is unique. Now, comparing notes with friends on how we were raised, I see how special my years growing up really were. In so many little ways, my mom has shaped me into the person I am today. From the healthy meals she made us, to basically no t.v. watching (so, I'm a little lacking in the "pop culture" of my day), from weekly trips to the library, to science projects, and stories read at bed time my mom provided an amazing environment for growing up.

I was lucky because I didn't go through the normal teenage angst against mother stage. Instead, I remember favorite times of chatting with my mom in the mornings and waking up early to go swim together. I love going to farmer's market together and having someone halfway understand what I'm talking about when I call, super excited about something new I learned in microbiology.

Emu, thank you for being wonderful mom! My childhood was different from so many other people's and I wouldn't change it for the world. You continue to inspire me (swimming the lagoon! and I got you into swimming) and push me to succeed.
