My parents came to visit!
Just for fun, I thought I'd blog today in purple. As promised so long ago I'm blogging today about my parent's visit. They came down here at the beginning of April and I got to spend both Passover and my birthday with them. Lucky me! They flew down on the 1st and were waiting for me when I got back from Santa Cruz. It was very exciting to go from one vacation to another pseudo-vacation. That first night we all hung out in Long Beach with my Uncle Marc and my cousin Steven. The next day was the first day of spring quarter. Gosh, I can't believe how fast grad school is going. It really is flying by. After school was over I met my parents and Steven at my place and we went to the Passover Sedar at the Hillel. While it wasn't like being at home and my dad leading the Sedar, the Hillel Sedar was nice. We were the "rowdy" table and Steven and I had lots of fun singing the birkat like at camp. If you learn anything from Jewish summer camp it's how to say birkat with lots of spirit. My birthday came the next (and second Passover) night. Mom made amazing matzah ball soup and Dad grilled up some great beef kabobs. Yummy!! The passover cake actually turned out very very yummy. After dinner I got to open loads of presents. New books, pjs (that I'm in love with), socks (so cute), bathrobe, tshirt, gift card to the GAP!, and a sticky hand... The sticky hand was great. I opened it right up and was playing with it. Uncle Marc was eyeing my new toy and when he asked for it I let him have a go. The first thing he did was fling it up against his clean white walls. When it didn't come right off he began to get worried. "Nobody gets to do this again." We all laughed as he slow peeled the sticky hand off his wall. The next day I went to see Shooter with my parents. We all found it enjoyable and my mom keep seeing secrete agents all over Westwood afterwards. We had a kosher for passover dinner of salads in Westwood and then walked home. The next day my parents flew home. It was a quick little visit, but so nice to have my parents come spend time with me.
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